Saturday, July 2, 2011

Birthday Celebration

We headed to Columbia to celebrate Carson and Ava's upcoming birthdays with Nana and Granddaddy.  First stop....Chuck E Cheese!  I have figured this thing out.  CEC opens at 9am!  9am!  The traffic starts pouring in around 11:30.  So I have found that if we get there at 10:00ish, we are the first and ONLY people there most of the time.  I ask them to hold our pizza until 11:15.  This gives us time to play, convert our tickets, and pick out those awesome dollar tree prizes.  Then our pizza comes, we eat and are leaving by 11:45ish.  BAM....don't have to worry about the crowd.  On second thought, maybe I should not have shared this.


Carson found Patrick under our table.  We
 adopted him and gave him a good home.
Nana found Barney in a car, we would not let
 her adopt him.but she at least got to ride
 with him.

 After hard play, finally time for some PIZZA


Present opening time

Woo hoo - Who doesn't love an AS SEEN ON TV
product! Ava has been dying for the
Cookie Dough Maker
(Buy one get one free!)

And a cookie cake. A HUGE hit.

Carson got a SAMURAIZER!  It changes you from just a normal Power Ranger into a Samurai.
Go Go Samurai!


Spontaneous trip = crazy expensive gift shop visit! Sunglasses, hat and Sunscreen - $45.00! But the cashier gave me a rubber band from around her wrist so I could pull my hair back - that made it all worth it seeing how it felt like it was 120 degrees.

30 minutes of rubbing everyone down with sunscreen, we are ready to see the animals.

All the animals were moving around and active even though it was sooo hot!

We saw an elephant cooling off and spraying water all over.

The monkeys were swinging all around.

Well, the gorilla wasn't active at all! He was laying up against the glass. LAZY LAZY LAZY. He was smart enough to be in the shade.

 Then off to the giraffes. They were kinda far, but we got a glimpse of momma and baby. So cute

Carson dug in our bag, got a water bottle and his blanket and went across the walkway, found a brick and took a seat. I guess he needed to rest.

Nana and Granddaddy enjoyed the zoo with us too.                                  

Carson carried his samuraizer throughout the zoo and it kept ringing! Carson looks at me and says...
"Wait a minute, Samurai need me"

Sweet sweet brothers.  Moments like these make all the things that stress me or aggravate me just melt away.

Caleb and Josh roped a tortoise!

This was Carson's favorite.


Carson- "Can I wide that zeba?"
me- "No, we can't ride the zebra, silly"
Carson- "Well, can I watch Racing Stripes movie in my room when I get home?"

I guess if he can't ride, he will watch someone else that can! Ha!

Back home to play, play, play.

The ultimate power ranger samurai!