Friday, October 31, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Soccer Stars

These are Caleb's soccer pics.

Caleb is the one with his hands on his head.

Caleb is right in the middle

Josh's Soccer pics.

Carson's soccer picture.

Just some more cuties

Even though Carson's head is cut out of the picture, the smile was to great not to share!

Not quite sure what she is ready for, but by all means... SHE IS READY!

Look At Me

This is Ava dancing among the mess our living room has become. You can read her lips say "I so pretty" (and she is!) I just figured out how to turn the sound on our camera, so that will help for next time.

Just some good pics!

These pictures are from August. I just am so far behind and wanted to share some angelic moments other than when they are sleeping.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Randoms from August

Okay, so I have just been lazy (yeah right!) and not posted. Mostly due to third grade homework! Who knew??? Along with Soccer, Dance, Church, 1st grade homework, a 3 year old and a baby. When I get a moment to think, I couldn't imagine not doing it all. I love every moment even when I lay in bed at night and wonder how I got through the day and how in world to do it again tomorrow.
Aug. 21st. MY NEW BOOTS! How cool are these???

This is from Aug. 17th. My 3 boys! I can't believe what good looking boys we have.

These next 3 pics are from Aug. 31st. Just growing along and cute as can be!
This Winnie the Pooh has been in all my babies cribs at one point and time. It plays the Winnie the Pooh song and they have all loved it. It was at the hospital for Caleb and maybe for the others. I used to play it on my stomach when I was pregnant with Caleb. It is neat to pass down such things!